Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What is the theory behind colony collapse disorder???
Are bees animals?
How do bees commnicate?
~Ms. B~


  1. I understand that the cause of colony collapse disorder is not well understood. A variety of factors may contribute to the faliure of many bee populations around the world. I know that one theory places blame on pesticide use. The pecticides may have somehow weakened the bee's immune system and made them susceptible to common, and previously harmless bacteria.

  2. I think that humans are part of the collapsse. Does pollution or the lack of habitat have anything to do with it? Just a thought.

  3. You know, I really don't have any idea! But I look forward to your explaination, Colleen :D

  4. Aarin is the most correct and Dr. Miller is also correct! We humans have impacted bee ecology with pesticides (nerve agent)and the theory is the bee's immune sytem has been weakened. There are some other theories, but, that is the most accepted. One of the predators to bees is wasps! Yes, wasps attack bees and don't make any honey!

    Bees are animals! They are arthropods which means these insects have segmented bodies, exoskelton (hard protein like shell), and jointed appendages (you know, like legs and antennas). Bees are also very social creatures. They communicate by doing a dance to tell other bees where the food source is...fascinating! ~Ms. B~
